Speech Pathologist


Yong Yong is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP) and a current member of Speech Pathology Australia. She graduated from the University of Sydney with First Class Honours in a Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (Honours).

She has experience working with children in clinics, schools and hospitals. She has experience conducting assessment and therapy for language, literacy, speech and fluency (stuttering).
Areas of expertise:
She specialises in supporting children who have difficulties with:
– Receptive and expressive language
– Literacy
– Speech sounds
– Fluency (stuttering)
Treatment Modalities:
She is passionate about providing therapy that is tailored to the unique needs of each family and child. She also believes in ensuring high-quality care through evidence-based treatment.
Provide Services To:

Children aged 3-12 years old.