Occupational Therapist


Natalie completed her Bachelor of Occupational Therapy in 2009 at La Trobe University. She is a certified practicing Occupational Therapist.


Natalie is an Occupational therapist with 15 years’ experience specialising in working with children and youth with Autism and Adults with mental health difficulties including Schizophrenia, Personality disorders, Anxiety and Depression. Natalie has experience working in both Europe and Melbourne and has a passion for supporting participants with reaching their goals.

Areas of expertise:

She specializes in;

  • Social Skill development
  • Handwriting
  • Activities of daily living
  • Sensory skills
  • Trauma informed care
  • Complex mental health needs
Treatment Modalities:

Natalie tailors therapy to her clients in clinic based settings or community visits.

Provide Services To:

Natalie offers her occupational therapy services to children, teens, and adults of all ages.

Little about me

Natalie firmly believes in advocating for her clients’ needs and collaborating with schools and other community services to ensure clients’ needs are met.

Years of experience: 15 years

Clinic days: Fridays and Saturdays

Additional language: Maltese