About Us

Who we are

About Us

We’re a child and family centered practice offering you the best experience in Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Dietetics, Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Social Work, Counselling, Audiology, Allied Health Assistance, Developmental Education, Plan Management, NDIS Funding Application Assistance, Support Coordination, Household Tasks, and Positive Behaviour Support. We’re a NDIS registered private practice offering various services to help children, adolescents, adults and aged clients by providing tailor made services to suit their individual needs. We are based at Hoppers Crossing but provide mobile and telehealth services.

The clinic comprises a team of experienced independent practitioners who have a special interest in the well-being of families and individuals. We work together to identify concerns and provide effective intervention for each client. Our clinicians are all well trained, professionally certified, and recognized service providers for a range of Government, Medicare-approved programs, WorkSafe Victoria, and the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) initiatives.



Our Journey

Language for Life Speech Pathology commenced servicing the communication needs of children in the Wyndham area West of Melbourne in July 2000.



The practice was born from a growing need for families to access more services which met children’s communication needs in a  comprehensive manner.

Language for Life commenced operating from a single clinical room located within the Hoppers Crossing Medical Centre. In 2007, as waiting lists for services continued to grow, the practice moved to dual clinical rooms in Cherry Street Werribee. In this context, additional Speech Pathologists were employed to assist in meeting the growing needs of the area. Occupational Therapy services were also introduced to enable families of children with complex needs to access services at one location.
As the population  in the City of Wyndham continued to grow,  so too did demand for Allied Health services. In September 2017, the practice moved once again, in order to accommodate  growing public need. The current location at 118 Derrimut Road Hoppers Crossing 3029 Victoria, allows for the continued extension of Speech Pathology services.

Our Vision

Language for Life provides an innovative, functional, fun, high quality, specialized family centered service that is accessible to all individuals.

Our Mission

We aim to assist all individuals to reach their fullest potentials and to achieve valued and meaningful goals in a fun, functional, individualized and innovative manner.

Our Values

Language for Life is a proud company with a history of achievement and reputation of providing high quality therapy services in the Wyndham area over 25 years. Our reputation as a provider of high quality therapy services is shared by the key stakeholders we have and currently work with. We believe that by doing what is right, we can perform to our very best.

This means living our values every day of:

  • Professionalism.

We demonstrate professionalism at all times in our actions and interactions with our colleagues, families and within our communities.

  • Integrity.

We are open, honest and fair. We do what we say we will do. We have the courage to do the right thing.

  • Respect.

We give everyone a fair go. We listen. We are respectful at all times with our colleagues, families and within the community.

  • Working sustainably.

We are here for the long term. We look after each other, our clients and key stakeholders involved with our clients to the highest standards. The way that we represent ourselves as a service provider in the community results in our continued reputation presence and sustainability within the community in which we work within.

  • Innovative.

We find solutions for difficulties encountered by our clients and their key stakeholders. We think outside of the box and provide flexible adaptive solutions that are innovative and individualized.