

Ellie graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Dietetic Practice at Latrobe University and has since attained Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) status.


Ellie has experience in offering help with a range of conditions including eating disorders, mental illness, food intolerances and allergies, physical and cognitive disabilities, fussy eating, nutritional deficiencies and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Treatment Modalities:

Ellie provides tailored nutrition advice and empowers clients to improve their lives through their nutrition, whether it be improving their relationship with food, increasing the quality of the diet, or overcoming barriers to achieving adequate nutrition.

Little about me

Ellie has a strong passion for nutrition and believes in the integral role diet plays in optimizing both physical and mental health in people of all ages in all walks of life.

Additional Language: Greek

Ellie Bountris